Boy Scouts CamporeeBy Drace Mattson May 30, 2017
One of the challenges was that we were blindfolded and had someone tell us to go and fill up cups with ocean water and fill a bucket half full. We competed making signals. My team made SOS with sea weed, made a fire, and made noise. Another event was to build a shelter. We used moss and rope to make our shelter. Our patrol was the Pirate Patrol. We won first place. This was my first spring Camporee as a Boy Scout and I had a lot of fun. The Order of the Arrow helped plan it; thank you to them for a great weekend. Thank you to all the leaders and people who helped make such a great Camporee for all of the Scouts in Ketchikan.
Received May 29, 2017 - Published May 30, 2017
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