Permanent FundBy Norma Lankerd May 30, 2017 Just FYI, I'm born in ALaska, received every permanent dividend since it was established when Governor Jay Hammond got it all set up. Now when Governor Walker became the governor of Alaska, he feels he can over-ride the Alaska Senate BUT i believe the Alaska Senate is over him. So whatever they say goes and I do believe they put a stop to him for taking the dividend for 2016 was supposed to be 2142. And the Governor decided that the Alaskans didn't need it so he only approved 1042.00. So my feeling is that he owes us Alaskans the $1,000 each and then in September of this year i believe the perm fund should be more because of the oOil going up the past 5 years. So if the Governor wants to spend the $$$, then why not settle with $75,000 for each adult member since 1972 then do what they want with the perm fund for 10 years and then start back in again. I CAN'T SEE the GOVERNOR BAILING out Alaska resources with OUR PERM FUND!! The Alaska Legislature is NOT TRYING to even help the Alaska residents, time to put ALASKA FIRST, instead of your pockets. Rep. Dan Ortiz and his promises about being for Alaska residents, TIME to VOTE them out and I'd like to see the quantum of Alaska native that Governor Walker has. I'm not prejudice, i'm just trying to find out why he is saying he is the only 2nd governor who was Alaskan native. Come on People of Alaska, time to speak up BEFORE the GOVERNOR decides to use it for whatever!! Sincerely, Norma Lankerd
Received May 29, 2017 - Published May 30, 2017
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