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New 2020 Alaska Scorecard Released



May 11, 2021
Tuesday PM

(SitNews) Anchorage, Alaska - The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), in partnership with the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (Trust), announces the release of the 2020 Scorecard: Key Issues Impacting Alaska Mental Health Trust Beneficiaries. This scorecard aligns with Strengthening the System: Alaska’s Comprehensive Integrated Mental Health Program Plan 2020-2024  that was completed by DHSS and the Trust in 2019. 

The 2020 Alaska Scorecard has been revised to include both new indicators and new narratives that are consistent with goals set forth in Strengthening the System that define a health care system that provides a full continuum of prevention, treatment and support services to Trust beneficiaries in Alaska. The new scorecard builds on the historic practice of updating an annual scorecard examining health outcomes that began in 2008 following the publication of the previous version of the Comprehensive Plan, and adds new indicators including those related to early childhood intervention, long term services, and the social determinants of health. 

“I appreciate the strong, collaborative team that has worked to update the annual Scorecard so it’s aligned with the new health outcomes in the Comprehensive Plan. Their work will help DHSS, the Trust, our partners and stakeholders to evaluate the current health of Alaska’s population, identify strategies that are working, and focus on the challenges we still need to address,” said DHSS Commissioner Adam Crum. 

“As the Trust and the department work together and with partners across Alaska to improve how our system supports Trust beneficiaries, this new scorecard will be an essential tool in both informing our work and monitoring our progress,” stated Mike Abbott, CEO of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. “We appreciate the collaboration with DHSS on this effort, and I look forward to our ongoing efforts to build a system of care that meets the needs of Alaskans.” 

The Scorecard was researched and produced by a group of leaders and planners representing the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, boards and commissions, and other related state agencies. It will be assessed annually, incorporating the results to monitor progress and its impacts.

On the Web:

Strengthening the System: Alaska’s Comprehensive Integrated Mental Health Program Plan 2020-2024 (pdf) 49 pages

The 2020 Scorecard (pdf) 84 pages


Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News:

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority

Alaska Dept of Health & Social Services

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