SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Marc Wever, MD, Joins PeaceHealth Ketchikan's general surgery team


May 11, 2021
Tuesday PM

jpg Marc Wever, MD, Joins PeaceHealth Ketchikan's general surgery team

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - PeaceHealth Medical Group recently announced that Marc Wever, MD, has recently joined their surgical team. Dr. Wever is a skilled surgeon with nearly 30 years of experience and expertise in endoscopy and general surgeries.

Dr. Wever has a significant association with PeaceHealth Ketchikan. He has been a part-time acute care surgeon at PeaceHealth since 2018 alternating his practice between Ketchikan and North Carolina where he was working as an acute care surgeon at Carolinas Healthcare System near Charlotte and the CarolinaEast Health System in New Bern. Dr. Wever was also an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. With the departure of Julie Conyers, MD, Dr. Wever has accepted a full-time position on our general surgery team.

Dr. Wever graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine where he also completed his internship in internal medicine. Dr. Wever was a resident and chief resident in general surgery at the Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. He received his Bachelor of Science degree at Southern Illinois University. He has provided private practice and healthcare system general surgical services since 1993.

Dr. Wever and his wife Tammy are looking forward to joining the Ketchikan community. We are pleased to have Dr. Wever join us full time as we continue to offer excellence in general surgery in Ketchikan.




Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews


Source of News & Phot0:

PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center

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