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Proposal aimed at identifying long-term ferry solutions passes Senate, 20-0; Back to House for final approval before being sent to Governor


May 19, 2021
Wednesday PM

(SitNews) Juneau, Alaska - A bill establishing a nine-member Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board passed the Alaska State Senate yesterday, 20-0. 

46th Annual Blueberry Arts Festival - Ketchikan Area Arts & Humanities Council - Ketchikan, Alaska

House Bill 63 is designed to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders who rely on the ferry to keep the system working for Coastal Alaska.

"Restoring reliable and consistent ferry service has been my top priority since I was sent to Juneau, and my seventh year here has proven to be the lucky charm," said House Speaker Louise Stutes (R-Kodiak), who sponsored the bill. "The fact this bill passed both bodies unanimously shows the incredible work we've all done to emphasize how important our ferries are to Alaskans. I am absolutely delighted with today's outcome." 

"The marine highway touches virtually every aspect of life in my district," Rep. Dan Ortiz (I-Ketchikan) said. "Having long-time marine highway expertise helps guide decision-making for the ferries and can only benefit the system and the many Alaskans who rely on it.”

Rep. Andi Story (D-Juneau) added, "The Alaska Legislature has made tremendous progress this year toward correcting the Alaska Marine Highway System’s course. In addition to the important board created by HB 63, we have secured a deal to forward fund the ferries and create the infrastructure that will help determine long-term strategies for success.”

HB 63 previously passed the House, where the bill will return for final approval before being sent to the governor’s desk.



On the Web:

House Bill 63


Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News:

Alaska House Coalition

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