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Alaska Legislature Passes Bill Allowing for Permanent Industrial Hemp Program; Goes to Governor


May 19, 2021
Wednesday PM

(SitNews) Juneau, Alaska - Senate Bill 27,  a bill allowing for more business opportunities for industrial hemp, was passed by the Alaska Legislature today.

SB 27 would allow for the state to maintain a permanent industrial hemp program and allow for more broad interstate commerce of Alaska-grown and manufactured hemp products.

“The passage of Senate Bill 27 will not only ensure federal compliance, but will also provide agricultural and manufacturing business opportunities for hemp and help diversify our state’s economy,” said Senate Majority Leader Shelley Hughes (R-Palme)r, the bill’s sponsor.

In 2018, the Legislature  passed a bill  establishing a state Industrial Hemp Pilot Program. Later that year, Congress passed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which changed the federal requirements for the industrial hemp market. 

SB 27 passed the Senate 20-0 and the House 38-2, for a combined vote of 58-2. It is now on its way to Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s desk for his signature.



Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News:

Alaska Senate Majority

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