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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions / Analysis

Fishing and Mariculture Update

By Rep. Dan Ortiz


May 04, 2021
Tuesday PM

The fishing and mariculture industries - including fishing, processing, and management and hatcheries - produces $5.6 billion in economic output to Alaska’s economy and employs almost 60,000 workers each year. One of my main priorities as the District 36 representative is to protect and enhance our seafood industry.

I am sponsoring House Bill 41, which will allow qualified non-profits to pursue enhancement and restoration projects for shellfish species. It passed the House last week. If it passes the Senate, it will play an important role in the development of the mariculture industry.

I am a co-sponsor of House Bill 115, which simplifies the lease renewal process for aquatic farms. HB 115 has also passed the House, and if it passes the Senate, it will support the mariculture industry by reducing administrative overhead.

I’m also fighting for fisheries within our budget. In the House Finance Committee last week, we voted to include $650 thousand of surcharge revenue to support the management work of the Crystal Lake Hatchery and DIPAC. Both the sport fishing and commercial fishing communities support this addition and the benefits it would have to our king salmon stocks.

It’s been a busy year for the fishing and mariculture industries in the legislature, and I am hopeful that these bills will pass to help the growth of the industry. If you have any questions or concerns about any of these seafood bills, feel free to email me at or call my office at 907-465-3824.

Rep. Dan Ortiz
Ketchikan, Alaska



Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.

Received April 27, 2021 - Published April 27, 2021

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