Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
/ Analysis
Ketchikan Harbor Board
By A. M. Johnson
May 11, 2021
Tuesday PM
Hats off to the Harbor board!!! The addition of safety ladders for overboard boaters (floaters?) in the harbors are a long time issue.
Thanks to the action, too that the ladders are well spaced and numerous is a pilus.
While giving thanks for this improvement to the harbor safety, might I add a oft times mentioned subject of liability insurance as a moorage requirement. When suggested, the response is commercial boat owners overwhelmingly oppose additional harbor cost. I find that a bit hard to accept. Most if not all, commercial boats of value, are covered, Boats under purchase contracts are most surely required to have insurance, as well, financed pleasurer boats. Then there are those like myself, who have responsible self worth with insurance to protect ourselves and those around us.
I reflect on a recent sinking in Bar Harbor North. It would be a wonder if the boat owner has insurance to cover this incident, Assuming not, the cost of raising the boat falls on the taxpayers and users of the harbor that provide such insurance coverage.
As cost relates, commercial boats are able to deduct as an expense, financed boats, a requirement, leaving a minority of uninsured boats, Usually these represent the very boats that are sinking, fire hazard, or abandon (Lack of stall rental payments) all are threats to the tranquility of the harbor.
I would encourage such a insurance requirement as a part of stall rental. It is not an absorb suggestion, as many public and private moorings require insurance as protection against liability. The Ketchikan harbors deserve no less.
"Slo~Belle" Bar Harbor North
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received May 06, 2021
- Published May 11, 2021
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