RE: Southeast Ferry Survey by A.M. JohnsonBy Rep Dan Ortix
May 11, 2023
I can say without doing a survey that it’s well known that folks in our district want ferry service to Prince Rupert. Over the last two years, there has not been one topic that I have heard more about from my District 1 constituents, than the importance of the AMHS to restore regular reliable service to Prince Rupert. I fully agree with the concerns you raise about affordability and convenience. Over the last four years I have been working with the Department of Transportation and AMHS management to get this ferry service going again. The reason for lack of service this summer has to do with not being able to fully crew both the Columbia and the Kennicott. The Department has known about these crewing issues for some time and needless to say I’m disappointed this was not resolved in time for summer service. I will continue to raise your, and others, concerns about returning to Prince Rupert and won’t rest until it happens. Respectfully, Rep. Dan Ortiz Related Viewpoint:
About: Editor's Note:
Received May 09, 2023- Published May 11, 2023
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