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UAS Ketchikan Students Make Chancellor & Dean List


June 15, 2005

Ketchikan, Alaska - University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan campus students have made the UAS Chancellor and Dean's list for the Spring 2005 Semester.

LaLine Angus, Dollee Enright, Thomas Grass, Mary Hasibar, Sherity Kelly and Trina Sullivan were named to the Chancellor's List for the Spring 2005 semester.

To be eligible for the Chancellor's List, a student must earn a 4.00 grade point average, be admitted to a program and complete at least 12 credit hours during the semester.

Jane Blasingame, Lily Chenhall, Britta Christensen, Anastasia Connolly, Alana Cross, Amber Ferrell, Ella Fish, Grace Freeman, Ashley Glenn, Roseanna Green, Kayleigh Hoyt, Jason Kolanko, Alex Mescher, Victoria Mikell, Stephanie Rainwater-Sande, Chelsea Rice, Kathryn Spurgeon, Christopher Stack, Jennifer Strickling, Dan Wable, and Jacqueline Williams were all named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2005 semester.

A student must earn a 3.5 grade point average, be admitted to a program and complete at least 12 credit hours during the semester to make the Dean's List.

The University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan campus provides a wide variety of educational courses and programs to Ketchikan and the surrounding communities throughout the year. Many course offerings are available both locally and through distance avenues including web-based, audio conference, teleconference and satellite offerings. Through these offerings, students can achieve certifications, associate, bachelor and master degrees.


Source of News:

University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan
Web Site


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