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Ban on all outside burning in borough announced
Ban Effective 6-20-05 to at least 6-27-05


June 21, 2005

Ketchikan, Alaska - Due to the continuing dry conditions Borough Manager Roy Eckert, in cooperation with Fire Chief Mark Malone of the South Tongass Volunteer Fire Department and Fire Chief David Hull of the North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department, is calling for a ban on all outside burning in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough until such time as the weather conditions are more favorable. Recent fire events in both the City and in the Borough have highlighted the very real danger of the drought like conditions locally.

David Hull Chief of the North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department said, "The recent moist weather we have had is just not enough to dampen the danger that has been building these past several days."

The National Weather Service on Annette is predicting some chance of rain in the next few days, but then the weather clears and dry conditions will remain for the next few days after that.

Hull said, "So please, be very careful with all types of fire especially cigarettes. Make sure they are crushed completely out and dispose of them in an appropriate manner. Prevention is the key to fighting a fire. Please help us prevent a fire from starting."






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