SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Open Letter to the Mayor & City Council
By Joan "Trixie" Hurliman


June 04, 2006

To the Mayor and City Council: The residents of SeaView Terrace wish to express their thanks for your diligence in having a permanent crosswalk put between the SeaView Terrace Apartments and the Pioneer Home. This addition has given a bit more confidence when having to cross Bryant. We are all looking forward to the completion of the road construction, and anticipating a "flashing crosswalk" at the Bryant-Tongass Avenue intersection. Thank you gentlemen for your help in resolving part of the problem.

Joan "Trixie" Hurliman
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: Joan "Trixie" Hurliman writes, "I painted the crosswalk on Bryant from SeaView Terrace to the Pioneer Home. I am retired and a resident at SeaView."


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Ketchikan, Alaska