SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Flags Across America
By LeiLani Lake


June 22, 2006

Last night as I was driving down town I observed the flag painted on the roof of Tongass Trading. I though it was great and that was before I read about it on Sitnews. I'm proud that our community was chosen for the honor by Mr. LoBaido in Alaska. It just proves once again that we are the First City and rightfully so.

We may not all agree on the conflicts our nation get into from time to time but I am proud that there are individuals that serve in our armed forces to keep us free. They willingly serve and deserve to be honored.

I give Mr. LoBaido my heart felt thanks and am proud once again to be an American and a Ketchikanite.

LeiLani Lake
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: LeiLani Lake writes she has been a Ketchikan resident since 1971 and is an American Patriot.


Related Story:

Creative Patriot Spreads Patriotism One Roof At A Time By Dick Kauffman - Scott LoBaido is a "Creative Patriot" and this New York City artist is on a mission - a "once in a life-time" mission to spread patriotism across the country. With an unmistakable New York City accent, LoBaido described how he is traveling the states to paint the American flag on one rooftop of one building in each of the 50 states. "Fifty roof tops, fifty flags, fifty states," said LoBaido. And Ketchikan is LoBaido's 19th stop and now a part of LoBaido's mission. - More...
Wednesday - June 21, 2006



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Ketchikan, Alaska