SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Major newspaper sharing state "secrets"
By Mark Neckameyer


June 23, 2006

I am flabbergasted that the New York Times and that left leaning Los Angeles newspaper with a similar name have again revealed vital national defense secrets so that terrorists will have an easier time killing innocent Americans. A couple months ago they told Al Qaeda how our government tracks terrorist phone communications and this week they help the terrorists learn how to better disguise financial transactions. These are not money orders to help out family in the "Old country" either. This week's blown secrets dealt with money sent into the U.S to help buy explosives, guns and plane tickets. Why this isn't prosecuted as treason on the part of whoever talked to those newspapers and why the newspapers are allowed to continue this outrageous behavior is beyond my ability to reason!

With newspapers like these, our sworn enemies, the murderous terrorists, don't need a spy network. The Times, New York Times and Los Angeles Times are doing their spying for them. This is a disgrace!

Mark Neckameyer
Irvine, CA

About: "I am a semi retired accountant living in California. I love Alaska for the fishing and outdoor lifestyle and am about a year away from full retirement; plannng to spend as much summer as possible in Alaska."



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Ketchikan, Alaska