![]() By George Miller June 29, 2006
The Family Day Celebration last week was great, even in the rain, as over 300 reported attendees were having an alcohol and drug free fun day. Patty Faye Hickox set the day in motion six years ago as a way to show families it was possible to have fun without substances. Patty Faye lovingly and energetically brought it together as part of her dream of giving back to, and encouraging a community which has been good to her over the years. I know she was appreciative of various groups and governments getting into the action and indeed it meant a welcome increase of folks attending, food provision, needed equipment, helpers, etc. being provided to help the day be a success. I also know that honor is due to whom it is due and Patty Faye Hickox is due the honor of having her name be part of the on-going yearly celebration, now written as a state proclamation. It seems a mere oversight on the part of new participants that she was not honored as the originator of this good day, and the principles it stands for. That oversight can, and should be remedied. I wish to thank all who labored
to make the day a fun and clean time, incuding the various dignitaries
attending, which it itself is an honor. I also wish to honor
Patty Faye Hickox as the namesake of the family day... knowing
truly to whom honor is due. George Miller
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