RE: Good News for America
By Byron Whitesides
June 12, 2007
Tuesday PM
Dear Mr. Isaac , Neighbors, and Americans,
It appears it isn't over YET! Even though AMERICANS have expressed
their opposition to S 1348 like never before in history, President
Bush is trying to revive this bill! He is determined to pass
this AGAINST the wishes of most Americans!
He is twisting the arms of our Senators, and trying to gather
a list of amendments that would be allowed a vote on, to get
the 60 votes necessary to pass this bill in the Senate.
This bill is SO bad, there is little any of these amendments
could do to improve it. It is AMNESTY plain and simple, where
the illegal aliens are legalized BEFORE, any
enforcement trigger, BEFORE the border is secured, BEFORE we
can be assured no TERRORISTS are given the Z visas, and BEFORE
there is a way in place to see that visitors can't overstay their
There are just too many holes in this plan, it has too many pages
to review in a short period, and the consequences of the plan
can't be considered properly! This is just a bad plan that needs
to die! How long AFTER the Z visas are issued, will the other
conditions of this plan be honored? We need to INSIST that the
conditions and laws of the 1986 amnesty be honored and enforced
today, BEFORE any other plan is considered!
Mr. Isaacs, I love Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter! They are
great Americans, problem is they are the minority in the Republican
party, who under the leadership of President Bush, has apparently
has forgotten that their platform was that of a "smaller
less intrusive government and fiscal responsibility", and
"following the constitution and laws of our country".
What President Bush appears to be leading, is class warfare against
the middle class. This invasion of illegal foreigners has driven
down wages and lowered our standard of living, and strained our
infrastructure to the breaking point!
How does a law abiding American compete for jobs, when the illegals
using fraudulent documents, live 30 or 40 in a single family
residence, and don't pay taxes?
The Republicans are going to lose big, if they insist on supporting
this class warfare. These Senators act as though they are royalty
or feudal lords and can just ignore the wishes of the constituents!
All who vote or support this bill need to be removed from office!
They are counting on being re-elected by posing as the "lesser
of two evils", so lets not buy into that. I want to be
able to vote FOR someone, not offered the lesser of two evils.
Lets all just vote the supporters of this bill out, and take
our chances with whoever ends up being their opponent!
Please call, email, or fax your senator and voice your opinion
on this matter. There is a lot more at stake here than is being
exposed by the advocates of this bill! This bill is FRAUD!
Byron Whitesides
A lifelong resident
Ketchikan, AK
PS: OH, by the way, ANWR
Contact Info:
DC Office of Senator Ted Stevens
Washington, DC
Email Senator Stevens
DC Office of Senator Lisa Murkowski
Washington, DC
Sen. Murkowski
Received June 12, 2007 - Published June 12, 2007
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Ketchikan, Alaska