SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Container Fees
By D. K. "Dan" Lilja



June 29, 2007
Friday PM

Alaska representatives Thomas and Kertula have their work cut out for them in Washington.

Washington's SB 5207 is a direct retaliation for Alaska's cruise ship head tax if you haven't figured that one out yet.

Alaskans pay no state income tax or state sales tax. Last year every Alaska citizen received a $1,106.96 gift from the state's Permanent Fund savings account. In fiscal 2007, Alaska received twice as much revenue from crude oil taxes, ear marks, and Permanent Fund earnings than they spent on their state budget.

Despite having $39 billion in the bank, greedy Alaskans chose to club hapless Washington, Californian, and other Lower 48 tourists over the head with a $50 head tax to grab another paltry $55 million.

Alaskans can buy gifts, cars, or breakfast at I-hop and not pay a nickel in Washington state sales tax. Alaskans use Washington highways, bridges, airports, police, and many other public services for free. Thousands of trucks coming from all over the Lower 48 rumble down Washington state highways to get to the Port of Tacoma.

Alaskans can whine all they want, but they will never get a better deal than what the state of Washington is providing -- with or without a container fee. Where can they go? Astoria, Oregon? Vancouver, B.C.? Long Beach, CA? Idaho????? I don't think so!

D. K. "Dan" Lilja
San Diego, CA

Received June 28, 2007 - Published June 29, 2007


Related News:

Alaska Reps appointed to Washington committee to work on container tax issue - Representatives Bill Thomas (R-Haines) and Beth Kerttula (D-Juneau) have been appointed to a Washington State committee to study the imposition of container fees which could have far-reaching economic impact on Alaska. - More...
Monday - June 25, 2007

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Ketchikan, Alaska