SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Immigration: The illegal type
By Walt Bolling



June 29, 2007
Friday PM

Mr. Ken Bylund's letter referencing illegal border crossings is short and to the point: Why do our federal representatives choose not to enforce laws that were long ago adopted by the congress to protect our country??

Are the dollars donated to our senators by big business leaving the little (average American) without voice?? I cannot think of any other reason: I wonder what the dollar amount is that buys a U.S. Senator??

Walt Bolling
Ketchikan, Ak.

Received June 29, 2007 - Published June 29, 2007


Related Viewpoint:

letter Unopposed Invasion of the USA By Ken Bylund - Ketchikan, AK

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska