SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Stimulus Check
By Mary Hemli


June 10, 2008
Tuesday PM

I just received a letter from the IRS telling me that since I only made less than $3,000 last year I will only get a check of $300 for the stimulus. The people who made more than $3,000 on up to $75,000 will get the whole $600. Now I don't know what is wrong with this country but to me that is backwards. The people who have the least amount should get $600 not the people who have the most already.

The government is trying to get more and more money for the rich and less and less for the poor. Prices go up - food, gas, rent - but the man who has a wife and 5 kids gets $600. for every member. That is $4,200 more. But I still get only $300. Oh and they have a number to call if you have any questions but it is only a recording. No one wants to talk to all the poor. I supposed if I were G.W.Bush I wouldn't want to talk to the people either. I worked all my life and paid my taxes but because the Social Security decided they were broke I get to be short changed. The poor in this country should rise up and revolt.

Mary Hemli
Ketchikan, AK

Received June 09, 2008 - Published June 10, 2008



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska