SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


United States Postal Service
By Rhonda Payne


June 14, 2008

In reference to the letter by Robert McRoberts 6/10/08, while the Postal Service may do some "stupid" things (as has been the case with every business in America), raising rates is not one of them. What other service can you purchase that never raises rates? What other company tells you MONTHS in advance that the price of goods is increasing (as did the Postal Service) and then gives you a one year grace period as Mr. McRoberts suggests? What's wrong with purchasing the additional postage to use with your old stamps?

The Postal Service is NOT a federal government run company and must operate using revenue from postage sales. The federal government actually governs certain aspects of postal operations, in my opinion, to the detriment of the Postal Service. The Postal Service has raised rates the last 2 years in accordance with the Consumer Price Index. What other company can not increase rates to cover actual expenses and is restricted by the government to stay within the CPI? The price of gasoline alone is placing a tremendous burden on the Postal Service. Most companies that require the use of gasoline are adding a fuel surcharge, the Postal Service is restricted by government in this respect. They can not save money by decreasing the delivery days, that's governed by congress. They can't save money by not delivering to sparsely populated areas, that's governed by the federal government. The biggest way to save money is to push employees, sometimes to the breaking point.

Every post office should have plenty of 3 cent and 1 cent stamps on hand Mr. McRoberts may purchase in order to use his 39 cent and 41 cent rolls of stamps.

Yes, we may have done some "stupid" things in the past (and will likely do more), but raising rates and the manner in which it was done is not one of them.

Rhonda Payne
Smithfield, VA

About: " U. S. Postal Service employee for 32 years"

Received June 11, 2008 - Published June 14, 2008


Related Viewpoint:

letter U.S. Postal Service By Robert McRoberts

Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:

letter Webmail Your Opinion Letter to the Editor



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Ketchikan, Alaska