SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


U.S. Postal Service
By Charlotte Glover


June 19, 2008
Thursday PM

Dear Sitnews,

I want to add my voice in support of our amazing postal service. Given the increases in other goods and services in my life, I think a letter is a bargain at 42 cents! Countries around the world have much higher postal rates and do not offer as much door to door delivery or six day a week service as our US Postal Service does.

And here's a shout out to the wonderful postal staff here in Ketchikan. I've had the marvelous Mr. John Morris as my mail carrier for the past seventeen years and with the reading habits of my household he has earned every penny toting our enormous magazine piles up to the mailbox! He also brings in the ton of mail we get each day at the Public Library. Thank you!

I'm also a fan of the hard working gang at the downtown sub station. Despite getting pounded by thousands of visitors a week speaking a zillion languages, and local merchants bringing in freight packages by the dozens, they remain cool, efficient and smiling while on their feet all day. I could not do their job. They are also kind enough to help me find pretty or interesting stamps each week for my letters.

If standing in line at the post office isn't your thing, you can also buy stamps on line at the postal service website <> . You can buy stamps, mailers, memorabilia and custom made items such as photo stamps with pictures of your grandchild or favorite cat. Last time I ordered, postage for my entire package was just $1.00.

Let's appreciate the things that WORK in our country instead of tearing them down.

Charlotte Glover
Ketchikan, AK

Received June 17, 2008 - Published June 19, 2008



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska