SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Military support and Tanana Bridge project
By Maj. Gen. Thomas H. Katkus


June 09, 2010
Wednesday PM

To the Editor:

The State of Alaska and the communities of Fairbanks and North Pole should join me in thanking Rep. Mike Kelly and Governor Sean Parnell for supporting the rail bridge over the Tanana River. This bridge is the first step in completing our rail connection to Fort Greely and to Canada. More importantly, it provides dependable year-round access to the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex. This training area is one of the largest in the country. Reliable access provides an exceptional opportunity to all branches of our military to exercise and train in a realistic and challenging environment without public disruption.

The Alaska Military Force Advocacy and Structure Team made this project their number one recommendation in its short-term strategic plan. It holds tremendous economic benefit to the Interior as well as the unparalleled combined training opportunities for our great men and women serving in uniform.

Thank you for your continued support of the military both at home and while deployed.

Maj. Gen. Thomas H. Katkus
Alaska Military Force Advocacy and Structure Team, Chair


Received June 09, 2010 - Published June 09, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska