SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Bill Walker has the plan
By Ann Graham Radford


June 24, 2010

Dear Editor:

We recently attended the funeral of Governor Wally Hickel. It was a wonderful tribute to a great Alaskan. Wally loved Ketchikan and we returned the affection - we were the only District in Alaska where Wally won every election he ever entered, even the write-in!

One of Governor Hickel's last significant acts was to urge Bill Walker to run for Governor and to introduce Bill when he announced his candidacy. He said, "To get the All-Alaska gasline built, Alaska needs only one thing. We need a governor who understands what to do and has the courage to do it. That's Bill Walker and he has my full support." Wally was passing the torch to a man who believes in "big projects" and has the passion and vision to take Alaska forward in the pioneering spirit we haven't seen in recent years.

So many made the comment, "The end of an era" at Wally's passing. We greatly miss Governor Hickel, but he revealed to us his choice to carry out his vision to keep Alaska prosperous and ensure a good future for our children and grandchildren. In looking at all of the gubernatorial candidates' platforms, we see no one but Bill Walker who has the plan and the know-how to do that. We need an all Alaska gasline that replenishes the State treasury as oil production diminishes; we need low cost energy and jobs for Alaskans, and we need them now, not in the far distant future. No one else has a plan to accomplish this.
Thanks, Wally.

Ann Graham Radford
Ketchikan, AK


Received June 23, 2010 - Published June 24, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska