What Was Old is New Again By Tara Jollie
June 20, 2011
It seems the publication of this email record would close the door on this witch hunt, but a handful of people are still scraping for anything to continue the Sarah bashing. I saw the emails and it made me think about the great contrast between the modern leadership style and the old leadership style. The old style being stuffy, guarded, shifty, white, middle aged, and male. I was also reminded of some who owe Sarah a BIG thank you. I wonder if she ever got one from either of the people below - given the popular trend of distancing one’s self from her since her resignation. Governor Parnell, under the cloak of being her supporter, accepted quite a gift from Sarah. If she hadn’t given him a year plus in office before his own campaign, do you think he could have won the Governor’s race? I don’t. The 2010 Governor’s race was downright boring. Alaskans were distracted by the Senate race, enabling him to slide in quietly. He is Alaska’s luckiest guy! Then there is Chief of Staff Mike Nizich. By this time, Sarah had been convinced by her advisors (the alligators in the moat mostly Murkowski appointees) that she needed seasoned staff in this position. Mike Nizich, who had served about five administrations, fits that description. He had been a deputy chief for years. It was only when Sarah came along did he make top dog. He has been there so long, there isn’t anyone he doesn’t know in state government. Thus the subtitle; What Was Old is New again. With Governor Parnell setting the course for the next three and a half years and Nizich driving the bus, I say, with sadness, that the Old Guard is back in full force, the status quo firmly in place, and the bureaucracy is operating like its old unexceptional self. Agree with Governor Palin’s policies, or not, she had Alaskans engaged. As an extra bonus, she had the Old Guard off balance for a few years. She campaigned in earnest and administered in earnest. The Bureaucracy, a creature unto itself, is downright unwilling to change. Governor Palin was short shafted, sabotaged, and rendered ineffective during her tenure. Any wonder she resigned? Score one up for the Bureaucracy. Those who wanted change in Alaska are still here. Sarah did her part. After all, it is not a one person job. Next time around for Alaska, it will be our turn to do the heavy lifting. I remain optimistic given the new tools offered by social media. It will be a whole new ball game and I can’t wait! Tara Jollie About: http://leaddogalaska.net/?p=33 Received June 19, 2011 - Published June 20, 2011
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