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Alaska’s New Electoral Map Receives Federal Preclearance


June 27, 2012

(SitNews) Anchorage, Alaska – Today the U.S. Department of Justice approved Alaska’s new electoral map for use in the 2012 elections.  

“Receiving federal approval today ensures that the state will be able to hold a normal, timely election,” said Gail Fenumiai, the director of the Alaska Division of Elections. “Because we have been doing advance preparations using the map while waiting for federal approval, we are ready to start sending out special absentee ballots on schedule this Friday.”

The statewide primary election is scheduled for August 28.

In a recent federal lawsuit, the plaintiffs asked the court to prevent state election officials from using the new electoral map until federal approval was received. In the wake of the federal approval, the plaintiffs have voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit.

“We are pleased that the elections will not be disrupted by litigation and that Alaskans will be able to elect their new legislators on schedule this fall,” said Fenumiai.


Source of News: 

Alaska Department of Law


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