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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

American voter is the problem, grow up and stop blaming those you elect
By Erik Hovden


June 29, 2012

Congress is not the biggest problem America faces. That clearly would be the sheep who vote for Republicans or Democrats. They are two sides of the "Big Goverment, Tax and spend party" and you're not invited, but you do get the bill.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Some of our members of Congress have been there for a long time, far too long. Some of this same ilk is responsible for messing up city and states before the sheep sent them to Congress.

As I read Sitnews and saw Mr. Johnson's letter on executive orders I had to laugh at how uninformed he is or thinks the rest of us are.

Most of the executive orders he lists were written by JFK in 1963. Yes they are unconstitutional and just plain wrong.

I wonder if Mr Johnson wrote letters when G W Bush violated our constitution? Here is a short list of unconstitutional laws G W signed.

The Patriot act.
Military commission act SB.3930
Npsd 20 and 59.
McCain Finegold campaign act.

Obama and Bush are twins separated at birth by the corporations they serve. Congress is just doing what we elect them to do, if we wanted them to do something different why do we keep voting them in to office?

The American public is clearly insane. If you want to break the cycle of insanity you must vote for third party candidates or expect the same.

Erik Hovden
Olalla, WA

About: "I lived in Heaven (aka Ketchikan) from 1988-2000."

Received June 26, 2012 - Published June 29, 2012

Related Viewpoint:

letter Congress is a problem but not 'The' problem By A. M. Johnson


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Ketchikan, Alaska