Abortion By Glenn Mollette June 18, 2013
However, all holidays are tough days for many. While millions celebrate others wonder about what might have been. Some have lost a child while others made tragic decisions to end a life. Abortion is sad and heartbreaking. I oppose abortion. I do not believe many people want to go through with an abortion. Over the years I've known many people who have looked back at an abortion with heartbreak and grief. My first wife and I had a stillborn baby. He would have been our third son. We named him Jesse Caleb. We were told just hours before the delivery was scheduled that there was no heartbeat. The baby would be delivered but he would be dead. I sat for about three hours in the delivery room and held beautiful Jesse Caleb. He looked perfect. However, the umbilical cord had gotten a kink in it, cutting off the oxygen supply and ending his life. At that time, I had never wept or grieved any harder than I did at the loss of my beautiful child. Losing Jesse made me so very grateful for my two sons Jared and Zachary. Today they are both grown men serving in our military. As I held my child I could never have dreamed of killing him prior to his birth. I do not believe anyone holding a newborn baby would decide to kill that baby. However, many have made the decision to terminate a pregnancy. Most often they are in need of counseling, emotional support, forgiveness and hope. Years earlier we lost twins. Karen was about three months pregnant at the time. Things were going wrong with the pregnancy and she was bleeding. The doctor said things were not good and a D&C was necessary. This was a decision that was made between our family and the doctor. What if someone from the county or even the Federal Government had to be consulted before the D&C took place? We were obviously miscarrying the babies. A government official could have delayed the procedure, wanted more information, said no or said yes. I do not believe the Federal Government or any government official should be involved in this process. I do not believe in abortion as a form of birth control. However, I do believe that decisions concerning pregnancies and abortions must be made between the mother, the family, and the doctor. Women and couples make decisions to abort that are later regretted with more sorrow and emotional scars. For many years I served as a pastor and heard many sorrowful stories from women who had abortions and greatly regretted them. There are cases that involve the mother's health. There are the cases that involve rape and incest. In these types of cases, decisions must be made between the mother, the family, physician and counselor. Glenn Mollette About: "Glenn Mollette is the author of American Issues: Every American Has An Opinion. He is also the author of hundreds of articles, opinions and feature stories. Look for his many books on Amazon.com." Received June 14, 2013 - Published June 18, 2013 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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