SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions


By Eliasica Timmerman


June 26, 2013

So after hearing that there has been a petition for removal of the Ketchikan Indian Community council, I decided that I would look into it to see what the reasoning is. I wanted to see for myself and not listen to misinformation. I have seen the minutes from the meeting in January up until last month. I'm not sure who wrote that petition but it seems to me that some of the information in that petition is not correct. I am all for transparency!!

So what I see is that the membership voted in January to amend the 1979 constitution. When you are changing something like a constitution you vote on the changes and the changes are made and brought in front of a consultant or lawyer to make sure all the language is correct, so that there is no loop hole and it protects the tribe. Then you have 45 days to send a draft to the BIA telling that this is what the membership voted. You then have up to 6 months to have a final copy reviewed by a lawyer or consultant.

I had an opportunity to work on the constitution and bylaws for the Haida Heritage Foundation so I understand how important the language is to get right. That is exactly why you have a professional review the wording. When we voted in January there was "no" on changing the recall part of the constitution. That part will remain the same. So KIC has a period of time to get the final amended 1979 constitution to the BIA and adopt it. Council has not adopted the amended 1979 constitution yet, as far as the minutes reflect. Council has no other way to operate but under the 1979 constitution.

And after reading 1979 constitution the council had every right to place someone at the helm and they CAN put the president in for a short period of time. So everything that the petition is based on is incorrect. I have no problem supporting the removal of a council member if warranted. If the membership wants to remove people they need to do it correctly and with legit cause.

Eliasica Timmerman
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Born and raised here in Ketchikan.I am a Yaadaas Eagle Beaver. I am married to Dave Timmerman and have 4 wonderful kids. I have been a KIC member all of my life."

Received June 20, 2013 - Published June 26, 2013


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska