Marijuana and addiction By Marie Zellmer June 02, 2014
When it was time to stop there were absolutely no physical withdraws, but the mental stresses that were always there came back, and I had to deal. Anyone who says they had withdrawals is not telling the whole truth -- even a heavy pot smoker can quit cold turkey and have less physical reaction than if they tried to quit a three cigarette a day habit. Legalization of pot, in my opinion, will not create a whole generation of potheads who destroy their lives by sitting around stoned out of their minds. they already have the chance to do that now. What it will do is reduce the numbers of people who fear that they will lose everything just by smoking it. It will also reduce the load of court trials, and prisoners who are charged for its possession, and ease a already loaded legal system. it will provide taxes to a tight state budget and medical alternatives to people who can't or won't take harsh man made drugs (which are proven addictive). Honestly I don't see a single downside to legalization. So by not voting pot legal all the naysayers are doing is ignoring a reality that already exists, which is ironically what they accuse potheads of doing. Marie Zellmer About: "20 year ketchikan resident" Received May 31, 2014 - Published June 02, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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