Fate of the TLMP revision By Gretchen Goldstein June 14, 2014
Doomed from the start. That’s the fate of the TLMP revision recently announced by the USDA. The revision faces controversy and legal challenges because, of the 15 revisers appointed to the Tongass Advisory Committee, not one represents subsistence. Yet California, Washington, and Oregon each have a voting representative; the timber industry, Native corporations and the government all have multiple representation. Apparently Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack does not feel bound by law to include subsistence in this “…new chapter in collaborative management on the Tongass,” even though he is responsible for implementing ANILCA Title VIII, the Congressional law dealing with subsistence protection. So unless at least one voting subsistence member is added to the TAC, this TLMP revision is a failure before it even begins. If you care, please comment to the USFS by June 25. Gretchen Goldstein
Received June 13, 2014 - Published June 14, 2014
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