American ExceptionalismBy Rex Barber June 08, 2015
The recognition and unleashing of these components free from Government restrictions is what creates American exceptionalism. A beacon of light, a slight fraction above the curvature of the earth on a black canvas sky flashing a Morse code Rhythm. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is Americas creed: These words these truths define, what it means to be a human being. And they are exceptional,they are American . An exceptional place where the common citizen is sovereign over Government,and are armed specifically for that purpose. To defend his state from foreign invasion,to defend himself and his fellow citizens from private lawlessness And above all else to defend himself his state and all U.S. citizens from the natural progression of Government towards tyranny. (George mason,co-author 2nd Amendment "To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them") This is American exceptionalism at a Mt Everest level. And this is exactly why Governments who have set a course of progressiveism and are making way on a full bell, seek so diligently to oppress the natural human right of self defense. It is a law of nature for all Governments to expand beyond that of their original purpose. Evolving to a point that they become a bureaucratic LEVIATHAN. Over shadowing any hope of Government by consent of the Governed. Leaving in their venomus wake the leprous white bone's of desolation. ---------- GOVERNMENT BY CONSENT OF THE GOVERNMENT. The only way to control and restrict this,is a return to the founding principles of liberty found in the U.S.Constitution and the declaration of Independence, a citizenry that is well educated in truth and not well indoctrinated in progressiveism. (The main purpose of most are university's today) constantly vigilant with those we elect and to always cause government to pause in fear of a well ARMED PEOPLE combine this with hard core rugged Individualism and you have AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM. Happy fourth of July Ketchikan. Thank You, Rex Barber
About: Received June 04, 2015 - Published June 08, 2015
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