Big Thorne SaleBy Chas Edwardson June 12 2015 My Name is Charles Edwardson, I was born and raised in Ketchikan Alaska as were my four daughters and three grandchildren. I graduated from Ketchikan High school as did my wife in 1982. I commercial fished off the west coast of Prince of Wales Island from the age of 13 to the age of 20 as a crewman. I purchased a commercial fishing boat at 24 and continued to fish until the age of 30. I own a home in Coffman Cove where I intend to retire or at least work a little less. I am currently a General Contractor here in Ketchikan. I know a little about this area. I want to make clear I am not representing any political group, board of directors, club, advocacy group, or any organized association with this letter to sit news. this letter represents my thoughts and my thoughts alone, just thinking out loud. ____________________________________________________________ PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND (POW): The fourth largest Island in the United States of America , the 97th largest Island on this planet. 2577 square miles Equaling 1,649,280.000014 acres BIG THORNE SALE (BTS) 9.37 square miles = 6000 acres stated by environmentalist group is old growth portion, in reality it is not 6,000 acres of old Growth! it is an area that encompasses 6000 acres” word play by the environmentalist.” ________________________________________________________________ I am not a scientist, mathematician, or an environmentalist but it does not take a great deal of insight to figure out that after millions of years of evolution that our special in all of this world archipelago wolves (?) that our Environmentalist overseers are concerned about, can figure out how to circumvent and even find there way around an area this size, that has been logged off, and eek out a living in the remaining 1,643,280.000014 remaining acres of POW. Alaskans from the very beginning of the development of our state including the indigenous groups that were here first, are conservationists (not Environmentalists very distinct difference), by necessity and always will be. I trust that this proposed old growth timber harvest has been analyzed and determined as a responsible harvest by some equally qualified personnel interested in the survival of a Southeastern Alaskan industry and heritage, as equally qualified as our overseers. although logging is not appealing to some especially it seems to those that have never been to our island and may seem catastrophic, in reality it is not. To make statements like the Big Thorne sale will be "the death sentence of the archipelago wolf” (daily news) is not only false it is irresponsible and whoever makes a statement like that better have some pretty compelling factual data to back up such a brazen statement. GSAACC, Greenpeace, and the Center for Biological Diversity as well as The Boat Company, we thank you for your concern and Judge Beistline who issued the injunction for your “over abundance of caution" (Ketchikan Daily news) but at some point you have to say enough is enough. Now these Environmentalists groups are just throwing crap out there with no requirement to be factual. On the other hand to be factual is a requirement through federal and state mandates and regulation that is over abundant in caution for the proponents of harvesting our resources. To Beistline “Judge” on the facts and not emotion or political pressures, judge on the merits of preserving an economy , a way of life, and rich heritage of responsible stewardship and extraction of our resources. Remember opinions are like... I forget. But everyone has one and this is only my opinion and not based on scientific fact and certainly not based on my math skills. Chas Edwardson
Received June 10, 2015 - Published June 12, 2015
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