Democrats misuse racism against TrumpBy Rob Holston June 09, 2016
Trump’s remarks are not racist. IF he had said that the judge was not qualified to be a judge because “he is Mexican”........ or he is “lazy like Mexicans”........ or “needed more siestas before making such decisions”............or “drank too much Tequila”......... or any other denigrating superlative akin to racist stereotyping.......... THEN Trump would be guilty of racism. But Trump did not do this. Trump draws attention to the fact that the judge is of Mexican heritage and because Trump is directly associated with very strong stances regarding Mexico and Mexicans that the judge should recuse himself from the case. IF Trump had hit and run the judge’s mother and she died, should this judge conduct the trial for Trump? NO. Why? Because of the emotional ties to the case. Are we saying the judge has NO emotional ties to Mexico? If LeBron Jame’s father was a referee should he ref the NBA finals? I think not. If Trump states that he should not ref then Trump is a racist? Give me a break! Political correctness running amuck is one reason Trump has made it this far...... and may well be the reason he may become president. Thanks for thinking. Robert (Rob) B. Holston Received June 07, 2016 - Published June 09, 2016
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