Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
State Spending
By Nancy Amend
June 13, 2017
Tuesday PM
Cut government spending first! Once a tax is implemented it will only increase with mis/overspending not being resolved. Alaska's government has 95% of the PFD, why are they taking any of the people's 5%?
Is any of what we are paying in property taxes designated for the State? What is the cost for the State to set up more programs and a department to implement taxes?
Stop the Spending! Stop growing government!
Nancy Amend
Anchorage, Alaska
About: "Second of four generations of Alaskans from Seward living in Anchorage. Retired over a year after working 41 years in the Anchorage construction industry."
Received June 11, 2017
- Published June 13, 2017
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