Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Traffic suggestions
By A. M. Johnson
June 29, 2017
Thursday PM
Editor Sitnews:
Nothing better to do than reflect on a couple of issues related to Ketchikan traffic. Our traffic due to restrictive nature of our streets and roads, should be rated at a near 10 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most taxing.
With that and no malice intended I would like to point out a couple of traffic flow tricks that might result in preventing if not a serious accident, a lessing of frustrations by those affected.
Suggestion #1. I am so very happy that the former Red Caboose is back in business with indications of being more busy than in the past. I can vouch for this as the parking, and accessing of the limited parking lot reflects business is good~!!!
However the traffic issue is this, North bound customers attempting to access the lot crossing traffic often impede the following traffic . This day, as a example, there had to be at least 10 cars backed up all the way to the Pioneer Ridge housing as a customer waited for South bound traffic to abate.
The suggestion made is this, North bound customer continue on to Wells Fargo, now the Tyler equipment entrance, round about to the stop light and approach the café from the Southbound lane. You will find often that this is quicker than the wait and we following will appreciate your actions. Not to speak to the last second turn by a similar desiring customer with a too fast following car with potential rear end collision.
Suggestion #2. As a user of the VFW harbor ramp for Bar Harbor North, often exiting the parking lot, a exiting driver ahead desires to turn left into the North lane. Having to cross the Southbound lane ends up with a long delay waiting for traffic to abate while access to the Southbound lane is available. Rather, if those drivers would turn right with the Southbound flow and then access Second Ave and use the Tongass/Second Ave intersection as a U turn and then head North, time and time again, it is faster than the long wait at the exit and the frustrations of the driver behind awaiting to exit is eliminated.
Just a couple of thoughts for consideration.
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: "The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn't make a decision-Unk"
Received June 29, 2017
- Published June 29, 2017
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