Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Shrimp Permit
By Lance Clark
June 17, 2018
Sunday AM
Another permit, really? So now, besides a fishing license, King stamp, hunting license, hunting permits, locking tags, sealing requirements and harvest surveys for game and fish, we have to have a permit to throw in a shrimp pot. What's next, an environmental impact study before bug repellent can be put on?
We have so many rules and regulations that require government paperwork and oversight already it's ridiculous! Whose idea was this? And why are we paying them to make our life harder?
I also wonder when the fishing and hunting regulations will require a lawyer to interpret and a judge will have to sign off on a trip outside before you can leave your house!
Nothing like living in a "Free" country!
Lance Clark
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: Tax Payer
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received June 16, 2018
- Published June 17, 2018
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