Separating immigrant children from their parentsBy Larry Emery June 20, 2018 The Metlakatla Minister's Association sent a letter to Alaska's congressional delegation protesting the treatment of the children of asylum seekers at the United States border. The letter calls states that the administrations policy "... not only rejects America's values, it also ignores biblical teachings about the value and dignity of all human beings as being in God's image, regardless of their immigration status..." The minister's go on to state, "...undocumented aliens and asylum seekers should be treated with respect as human beings while their cases are undergoing due process. This is not a partisan political issue but a moral one. The policy of family separation must be reversed." The Metlakatla Minister's Association consists of the pastors of the Lakeside Church of God, Metlakatla Congregational Church, Metlakatla Presbyterian Church and the William Duncan Memorial Church. The full text of the letter is as follows: "As persons of faith, we can't sit by and watch as the United States pursues a policy of separating immigrant children from their parents. Regardless of what one might feel about either undocumented workers coming into the country, or refugees seeking asylum here from tyranny elsewhere, a policy that intentionally separates children from parents, and keeps them incarcerated in poor living conditions, is immoral. This policy not only rejects America's values, it also ignores biblical teachings about the value and dignity of all human beings as being in God's image, regardless of their immigration status, and the imperative to do what's right on behalf of everyone. No matter their ultimate fate in regards to American residency, these undocumented aliens and asylum seekers should be treated with respect as human beings while their cases are undergoing due process. Forced separations traumatize children and can greatly harm their mental health. It is a cause of great anxiety on the part of the parents. Both the friends and the enemies of the United States resent our country and its people because of this abusive situation. This is not a partisan political issue but a moral one. The policy of family separation must be reversed. The Congress and the President of the United States can stop it now. It is our hope that as a member of the United States Congress you will support putting an immediate stop to this practice." Larry Emery About:
Editor's Note:
Received June 19, 2018 - Published June 20, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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