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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

 White House Staff Out Of Control

By Donald Moskowitz

June 11, 2019
Tuesday AM

A White House staffer, who works for President Trump, sent a message to the Navy in the Pacific to " minimize the visibility of the USS John S. McCain " during Trump's visit to Japan. This constitutes interference in naval operations.

The USS John S. McCain's crew was not invited to events on the USS Wasp, at one point a tarp was seen obscuring the USS John S. McCain's name, and at another point a barge blocked the name of the ship.

The ship was originally named after Senator McCain's father and grandfather, both past admirals in the U.S. Navy. I am sure crew members are proud of their ship, but have to be dismayed at the request from the White House, and Trump's constant criticism of the late Senator McCain.

It appears White House staff members are assuming authority they do not have in military matters. This is scarey. Could White House staffers send communications to military commanders who are engaged in military operations around the world? 

Trump's White House is out of control.

As a former Navy enlisted man and naval officer I do not appreciate White House no nothing landlubbers ordering ships around.

Donald Moskowitz
Londonderry, NH


Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.


Received June 07, 2019 - Published June 11, 2019

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