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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Peace Cross Ruling

By A.M.Johnson

June 24, 2019
Monday PM


Be the subject a 'Tree Topper' representing Christianity on a Community (Christmas) tree on Government property or the 'Bladensburg Peace Cross' honoring those who died in World War 1, both are First Amendment issues.

The Supreme Court recently rejected a challenge brought by atheist associations against the cross. 

In today's hypersensitive, politically-correct couture, many people with nothing better to do walk around being offended on a daily basis.

We live in a country that harbors a minority that is aggressively hostile toward the majority.  That minority goes by a lot of names,  Some of those names are atheism, progressivism  liberalism Marxism, socialism, communism, globalism. They are all the same thing.  Active aggressive, determined, maniacal, perverted. This aggressive minority are a self-loathing group of deviants determined to eradicate folks who aren't .... the normal folks who go about their daily lives. 

Place the "Tree Topper" be it Christian in appearance on top of that annual 'Community' Christmas' Tree.

Call it what it is and historically been.


Ketchikan, Alaska


Related Analysis:

Maryland 'Peace Cross' ruling: The Supreme Court rules that a cross stands for more than Christianity By COREY D. B. WALKER - The Supreme Court ruled on June 20 that a war memorial in Maryland in the shape of a Christian cross can stay on public land. The Bladensburg Peace Cross is a 40-foot cross erected as a memorial for those who died in service during World War I. - More...
SitNews - June 24, 2019


Editor's Note:

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.


Received June 22, 2019 - Published June 24, 2019

Related Viewpoint:



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