![]() Ketchikan YouTube NewsTraveler covid-19 screening at Ketchikan AirportVideo By LARRY JACKSON
June 07, 2020
Among those helping to provide the traveler screening mandated by the state on out of state arrivals, I talked with Trevor Shaw of Creekside Family Health Clinic.
Additional Text: As of Friday, the Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center (EOC) reported that six (6) new positive test results for COVID-19 have been identified through the traveler testing site at the Ketchikan airport. Five people arrived on Wednesday, June 10th, and all were instructed to quarantine until receiving test results. One arrived earlier in the week and traveled on to Craig. Of the 5 arriving Wednesday,
All five individuals arriving Wednesday have been contacted by a health care provider with notification of the positive result. All five individuals have been directed to isolate and are being monitored by healthcare providers. Earlier in the week, a traveler arriving by plane to Ketchikan tested positive. That individual traveled on to Craig, Alaska where the individual was directed to isolate and is being monitored by healthcare providers. Earlier this individual was reported as a new Ketchikan case by EOC but that was corrected by the Alaska Department of Health & Social Services. The total case count for Ketchikan residents remains at 16. Traveler positive case counts are 6. As of this date, there have been 2,369 cumulative tests administered with 22 cumulative positive cases. Of the 22, there are 19 resident/traveler staying local and 3 travelers not staying local. 170 tests are pending results. Public Health officials have been notified of positive tests and began the contact investigations and reached out to any person who may have come into contact with these individuals. Public Health will notify and quarantine additional persons as appropriate. Through the contact investigation, Public Health will direct testing of persons that meet criteria based on contact with any confirmed case of COVID-19. Individuals who meet the criteria are being tested in accordance with CDC and State of Alaska priorities. The traveler testing at the Ketchikan side of the airport ferry parking lot is scheduled to be available to receive the travelers arriving from the northbound flights from Seattle. Travelers arriving on other commercial or private aircraft or vessels who already have negative test results or choosing to self-quarantine for 14-days should submit required documentation electronically to traveler@alaska.gov or fax them to 907-269-7952. Those in need of testing should go to the airport testing site with required paperwork during operating hours. The traveler testing site is open at the following times:
The goal is to provide travelers results within 24 to 36 hours, but in some cases results may take longer especially as the new program is implemented. Currently, most results have been received within a 48-hour timeframe, but some results have taken longer. All arriving passengers must complete the travel declaration form. The declaration form, Health Mandate 10.1, and additional information for travelers is available at: https://covid19.alaska.gov/travelers/
To contact Larry Jackson: ketchikanalaskanews@gmail.com