After defunding the police...By John Suter
June 15, 2020
After the police are defunded the next thing that should be defunded is the fire departments across America. The reason for this is because when Antifa sets fires to these buildings in protest, they set these fires to burn these building all the way down to the ground, not to have the fire departments put them out. That’s how they are able to fully express their message. When the fire department shows up, they put these fires out. This takes away from the message that Antifa is trying to make. By fire departments putting out these fires they are interfering with Antifa’s First Amendments Rights to be able to fully express themselves. The mayors of these city’s that had Antifa set fires to buildings had the police pull back from the area so that there would be no interferences with Antifa's activities. But since the fire departments did not also pull back from these areas, then they too should be defunded. John Suter
About: Editor's Note:
Received June 11, 2020 - Published June 15, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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