Let's let the children of our community remain innocent and enjoy their childhoodBy Ann Graham Radford
June 21, 2022
I spoke to the Ketchikan City Council on June 16th and urged them to cancel the upcoming Drag Queen Story time at Ketchikan Public Library. Some of my reasons are that children across the nation are already being confused about their bodies through all they see and hear in today’s culture. We know there is a widespread phenomenon occurring today, particularly among young girls who are suddenly deciding they are transgender. Why has this become a current trend among teenagers and young adults? In previous eras, young women had “the vapors” and fainting back in the 1800’s; more recently there have been widespread eating disorders. Now the rising trend is to be transgender. Why? Some studies have shown it is because of the influence of culture, particularly through the internet, and peer pressure. I asked the Council members to please not add to this confusion of children who already have enough bewilderment in this day and age about gender issues, what pronouns to use, and just feeling comfortable in their own bodies. I so want the little children of our community to remain innocent and enjoy their childhood without being confronted with adult ideologies and conflicting impressions from men dressed as women and referred to as “she” and “her”. I would hope that people in authority consider the wellbeing of our community’s children and would put that above political pressure to keep up with Seattle or San Francisco in the latest adult ideas of children’s entertainment. I asked they not add to the divisiveness of the community by allowing such a controversial program to be presented by a department of City Government. I would have no objection to those who support such entertainment for their children to have such an event in a private business or setting; I just don’t think it is appropriate as part of the programming of the public library supported by taxpayer money. Yesterday I turned on my cell phone and a headline popped up: “Transgender Young People in U.S. Have nearly Doubled Recently, Report Shows.” It went on to say a report from the Williams Institute based in the UCLA School of Law shows the numbers of transgender youth between ages 13 to 17 have doubled since just 2017 and the percentage of that age group identifying as trans is now much higher than any other population demographic. Culture does have an impact on impressionable youth. Sincerely, Ann Graham Radford
About: Editor's Note:
Received June 16, 2022 - Published June 21,2022 Related Viewpoint:
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