Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Worse than Criminals
by Don Hoff Jr.


July 31, 2004

The news article in the Ketchikan Daily News, "Final Gravina study sticks with two-bridge option" is mis-guiding the readers in believing the proposed bridge project to Gravina
Island via Pennock Island is going to be constructed. However, the State of Alaska and the Federal Highway Administration have only signed a final environmental impact statement
for the proposed Gravina Access Project that calls for two bridges linking Ketchikan with
Gravina Island.

Mr. Jim Evensen, project manager for the Alaska Dept. of Transportation stated about $40
million "on the books" for the project, he said. The entire project is budgeted at $240
million, though some elements, such as parking at the airport, could be phased in, he said.
Where did the State of Alaska come up with $40 million dollars and $7.8 million dollars
working with consultants on just research? Point the finger at the Great white father,
Governor Frank Murkowski. Wasting State and our Federal taxpayers hard earn money
on a boon-doggle bridge in Ketchikan we don't need. Stupid minds, comes stupid ideas.
We need to retire Frank Murkowski, Don Young, Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski at the
next election before they run all of us to the poor house.

The United States government in Washington, D.C. may vote out any pork-barrel
funding for the proposed bridge to Gravina Island via Pennock Island. President Bush
may or will veto the Federal budget proposal FY-05 if it increases the national debt too high.

Who is going to be the fall guy for the State of Alaska wasting $47.8 million dollars for a
bridge project that won't be built? Governor Frank Murkowski, Washington D.C. Representatives, or your Local governments? I would say all of the above is my guess.

This is criminal. This is my opinion.

Don Hoff Jr.
Aan Kadax Tseen
Ganax adi Clan
Yei l hit
Taan ta Kwaan
Hixson, TN - USA


Related Article:

Final Gravina study sticks with two-bridge option....
Ketchikan Daily News - July 29, 2004



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Ketchikan, Alaska