Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Gravina Bridge
By Mike McColley


July 20, 2005

Doug Barry and others that don't live in Ketchikan, I think the bridge will open up alot of land and ways to get to and from Pennock and Gravina, resources and other roads that are not gated like some in Ketchikan, better rec for on and off road vehicles, power and lights,

The bridge where it is, I don't know, and don't even know if it is going to happen. Would like to see it though and so would a lot of others in Ketchikan.

So those that don't live here don't meddle in our affairs. Thank you. The people that are voted in and our managers will make the right decisions for the people of Ketchikan. Plus it will bring in more land taxes for the borough which will help keep ours down I hope.

Anyway, Doug have a good one in Seattle and enjoy. I will be fishing and enjoying our great rainy weather you miss so much.

Mike McColley
Ketchikan, AK - USA




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Ketchikan, Alaska