Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Ketchikan's water problem
By Rob Glenn


July 24, 2005

I am glad to see this article as I have been preaching it on Sitnews for months now. The safety of Ketchikan Residents have been at risk for long? How much cancer is there in Ketchikan. Yet they want to build a bridge, and spend money on other items. Here our taxes go again. Expect them to go up. How come KPU has not done anything about this problem before? This is not a problem that happens over night.

Rob Glenn
Ketchikan, AK - USA



Related News:

audio Listen to this KRBD story... Ketchikan Public Utilities may have to spend up to $35 million on a new water filtration system after violating Environmental Protection Agency water standards. As Deanna Garrison reports, the State Department of Environmental Conservation has given the City until August 15th to come up with a plan to bring down the amount of haloacedic acids in the city water supply.
Aired July 22, 2005 - Web posted Sunday am - July 24, 2005
KRBD - Ketchikan Public Radio -






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Ketchikan, Alaska