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Poor choice by the parade committee!
By Rick Watson


July 13, 2006

I too agree with Anita and Gerry that the anti-war demonstrators should not have been allowed in the 4th of July parade.

There is a right time and place for these people to exercise their right to freedom of speech. I think the parade committee made a poor choice in letting the demonstrators have the 4th of July parade as their time. I thought this committee had an Independence Day theme to follow. Too bad this one slipped by.

I would be willing to bet these same frame of mind people live in wood houses, use napkins, paper towels and toilet paper, yet demonstrate and protest that forests should not be logged.

That being said, Thank you to all the Men and Women, past and present who have served in our Armed Forces to maintain peace, domestic or foreign, and whatever it took.

Just my opinion.

Rick Watson
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: Ketchikan resident for 30+ years.


Related Viewpoints:

letter Respecting our troops on Independence Day By Elizabeth Schafer

letter Peace-niks By Anita Hales

letter Offended by the anti-war propaganda By Gerry Kay Olmstead

letter Re: Offended by anti-war Bug! By Charlotte Tanner

letter Dirty Bug By Dawna Vigil

letter Freedom of Speech By Alan R. McGillvray

letter Offended by anti-war Bug! By Cindy Inouye -



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Ketchikan, Alaska