SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Parade Entrants
By Vicki OBrien


July 14, 2006

Whether or not people agree with the subject matter of Fourth of July parade entrants is really a mute point. You may certainly disagree with a person's or organization's stance, however, the Fourth of July parade committee does not exclude any entry based on content. The Chamber Committee (which, by the way, begins meeting in preparation for the parade in February; I heartily encourage any interested parties to join!) does not practice discrimination, believing the parade is a community event for everybody. Slanderous, vulgar and slanderous entries are not permitted, however, entrants are encouraged to creatively voice their opinions.

Independence day is just that... a day of Independence. We should cherish and celebrate the fact that we DO have the ability to express our opinions Independent of retaliation.

Vicki OBrien
Ketchikan, AK - USA


About: "Member of Chamber Events Committee 2003-2005"



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Ketchikan, Alaska