SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Difficult Visitors
By Trene' Elliott


July 17, 2006

While picking up my daughter from the airport Saturday afternoon, I found myself waiting for luggage with 8-10 men who appeared to be coming to Ketchikan for a vacation. That's a pretty common occurence in Ketchikan during the summer. One man made several loud comments to his companions about their flight being delayed. Every third or fourth word was "f---ing" I turned around and asked him to please watch his mouth and reminded him of my seven year old child standing right in front of him. This man was so drunk he could not even focus on my face let alone see the child in front of him. He was swaying back and forth while standing still. One of his companions took him by the arm and they moved off to a corner.

This same group of travelers got into the Airporter shuttle and proceeded down to meet the ferry. My family saw them again while waiting for the ferry to arrive. All the men on the Airporter got off and started walking around by the ramp. It was a beautiful day and I can't find fault with them enjoying the view. One man who was in the middle of this group, stopped with his back to those of us waiting under the covered area and started urinating on the lawn.

Folks, I understand that Ketchikan is economically dependent upon tourists and the money they bring to town. I know most visitors to our town are decent people who just want to enjoy a taste of Alaska. But Ketchikan isn't only a tourist trap, it's HOME to most us. Sadly, now I fully understand why it only takes one or two idiots to make the locals say "tourists" with a tone of pure disgust.

Trene' Elliott
Ketchikan, AK - USA

About: "I've lived in Ketchikan for 16 years and have worked for city and state government. I've lived in and traveled to many places in the U.S. and am proud to call Ketchikan home."


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Ketchikan, Alaska