Do Your Part!
By Kara Steele
July 21, 2006
First of all, I love Ketchikan, I always have, and I always will.
I come back here every year not to fish, but to enjoy my family
and friends. While I am here, I am house sitting for my brother
and his wife at Herring Cove. Every year I am literally appalled
at how many rude, bad mannered, litterbug tourists and locals
that walk across their OWNED tidelands. There are signs everywhere,
stating its private property, and not to tresspass, but do they
listen? No. My brother had to go so far as to post signs recently
on an old log float that is slippery as all get out, to keep
tourists and locals from clammering their way onto it to get
past the water rising below them. It's private property period.
They come here without tide books, so they have no idea when
the tides are, or when the tide will be high, so they get stranded.
Then, it's like watching a mass exodus of cats who despise water
grasping at anything to keep from getting wet. After that they
come into the yard to get to the road. It's just amazing how
rude people are.
The fishing isn't the problem,
it's their attitude and disrespect for their property. What
is the difference? What if you had a huge lawn, and suddenly
people started coming across it to get to your neighbor's swimming
pool? There is no difference. You would be mad, would be putting
up signs, and about ready to go ballistic. Many attempts to
call the authorities would be made, but they would only be able
to prosecute if you had "proof" of the trespassers
in the act.
People it's simple. When you
are coming to fish in an area that is obviously posted as private
property, respect that and teach your children what that means!
Do not bring your unleashed animals with you, your trash, and
other garbage that only gets picked up by the land owner. This
includes the many fishhooks, line, and other junk that is left
at the area when you leave. How about picking it all up before
you leave? Or, come down on a minus tide and help pick up the
mess we have. You would be in shock at what we find! We have
animals and children that like to swim in this area, we don't
need to have to worry about a nasty treble hook in our feet or
animal's feet. No one wants that.
Local folks should know better, they live here year round. Maybe
this letter will get the point across that enough is enough.
Or it will fall on deaf ears. As for the tourists, they need
to be shown that this is not a free for all and they shouldn't
be allowed to just go anywhere they please. Cab drivers, tour
companies know this area, they need to be more responsible in
letting people know where not to go. Tourists who come into
this community with the attitude that we owe you fish and Alaska
is just a playground for you to muck up: Please go home. Real
people live here 12 months out of the year. We love our state,
we respect each other. If you cannot come to our state with
good manners and the respect for us that we once had for the
tourists, then we'd like you to stay home.
Kara Steele
Ketchikan, AK - US
About:" Lived in Ketchikan for over 30 years. Every year,
I fly down from Kenai to house/pet sit for my brother and sister-in
-aw out at Herring Cove. Every year, I watch how their property
is trashed, disrespected and trespassed, even when there are
signs posted everywhere that it's "PRIVATE PROPERTY"
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