If You Want My Vote
By Samuel Bergeron
July 27, 2006
If you're running for state government and you want my vote (In
no particular order and not all inclusive):
1) Sell the State jet and reinstate the longevity bonus (partially
from the proceeds of the sale of the jet). To eliminate the longevity
program, then buy a jet ( cause we need one ) and travel the
world in it, is not good public policy to say the least.
2) Start acting more like former Governor Hammond: humble (he
flew commercial and coach class), sensible, sincere, open and
only beholden to the people he served, not the special interest
groups who want to take our money and resources. He shared his
vision of what the future may bring (he's the father of the Permanent
Fund Dividend) and he spoke to us, even when he wasn't up for
re-election. Jay listened to the people that elected him and
he thought that a 50/50 split with the oil producers was fair
and equitable to all. The Reason we are talking about a much
less of a share for Alaskans is because our leaders are much
less than Jay was.
3) Lose the notion that oil taxes and the gas line are one issue;
they're not.
4) Build an Alaskan gas line, not one that exports affordable
energy and jobs to Canada and elsewhere. Not to mention we'll
go broke defending "the largest private construction project
of all time" from terrorist attack.
5) Lose the notion that unless we come to some convoluted agreement
with the oil producers this special session that ties a gas line
to oil taxes, the world will fall off its axis; it won't. Modestly
raise oil taxes now. Eliminate the economic limit factor. Stand
firm that if the producers want our gas; it's a stand alone issue
that sinks or swims on its own.
6) Pledge your allegiance to the people you serve, not the party
or caucus you belong to. Never vote contrary to the interests
of your district because you are directed to by your political
party or caucus, even if you swore on a stack of bibles in your
caucus that you would vote the party line (in the Senate Majority
Caucus you take an oath to join).
7) Make darn sure we get our share of the State capital (construction)
budget. The last two years we got almost nothing considering
the bridge money will never be used. Thanks Bert. Thanks Jim.
8) Don't take out ads saying how concerned you are about Schoenbar
Middle School and the Swan Lake electrical intertie when you
have done zero to fund, fix or complete them. Be honest.
9) Start talking about using the bridge money for transportation
projects other than a bridge to Gravina Island that will never
be built. Quit wasting our time and hopes on a non-starter like
the bridge; let's build something more within our means and let's
have a discussion on what that might be and get our people to
10) Tell us what your positions are on these very important issues
rather than taking out ads that say nothing other than you care
about kids and our elders or that you're a family man. Talk to
us about the issues; tell us why we should vote for you and what
you think is the best policy for Alaska and why.
Samuel Bergeron
Ketchikan, AK - USA
About: "I live and work in Ketchikan and love the State
and City I live in.I've served on the Gateway Borough Assembly
and I'm the past Tribal council President of Ketchikan Indian
Community. I also served on the tribal council as a member. I
have six years deliberative body experience. I'm planning to
run for office this fall, I am still deciding on the position
I will seek."
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on Viewpoints are the opinions of the writer
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sitnews.
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